Step 3: Add your own Javascript file that gathers the required information and submits it to your backend
<script src="/js/checkout.js"></script>
var form;
var cardelem;
var paymentForm;
var browserInfo;
var token;
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
function setupCardForm() {
cardelem = document.getElementById('card-element');
paymentForm = document.getElementById('paymentForm');
var submit = document.getElementById('submitButton');
browserInfo = document.getElementById('browserInfo');
token = document.getElementById('token');
//Set up and display the hosted payment field using the BreathePay JS File
if(cardelem && submit) {
form = new window.hostedFields.classes.Form(cardelem, {
"style":"font: 400 16px Helvetica, sans-serif;",
"placeholder": "0000 0000 0000 0000|00/00|000"
"merchantID": 'YOUR_MERCHANT_ID'
//Listed for the submit button click to gather information
submit.addEventListener('click', getCardDetails);
function getCardDetails() {
form.validate().then(function(valid) {
//Use the BreathePay JS File to validate customer payment information
if(valid) {
//Sends the customer payment information to the BreathePay API and returns a payment token
form.getPaymentDetails().then(function(details) {
if(details.success) {
//Set the payment token for use in your backend
token.value = details.paymentToken;
//Get the users browser info and attaches that to the frontend form
browserInfo.value = JSON.stringify(getBrowserInfo());
//Submit the frontend form
} else {
var error = details.defaultErrorMessage;
//Could not get payment token from BreathePay API, display your error message
} else {
//Display your error message
//Get the required browser information used to securely make payments
function getBrowserInfo() {
let browserInfo = {};
var screen_width = (window && window.screen ? window.screen.width : '0');
var screen_height = (window && window.screen ? window.screen.height : '0');
var screen_depth = (window && window.screen ? window.screen.colorDepth : '0');
var identity = (window && window.navigator ? window.navigator.userAgent : '');
var language = (window && window.navigator ? (window.navigator.language ? window.navigator.language : window.navigator.browserLanguage) : '');
var timezone = (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset();
var java = (window && window.navigator ? navigator.javaEnabled() : false);
browserInfo.deviceIdentity = identity;
browserInfo.deviceTimeZone = timezone;
browserInfo.deviceCapabilities = 'javascript' + (java ? ',java' : '');
browserInfo.deviceAcceptLanguage = language;
browserInfo.deviceScreenResolution = screen_width + 'x' + screen_height + 'x' + screen_depth;
return browserInfo;
Step 4: Add a custom style sheet for your payment fields
Add a CSS file and link to it in the HEAD section of your HTML page